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The Itch - Keb' Mo' 본문


The Itch - Keb' Mo'

김현관- 그루터기 2023. 2. 19. 00:36
 The Itch - Keb' Mo'

본명 케빈 루스벨트 무어 (Kevin Roosevelt Moore)

출생 1951103(71)
미국 캘리포니아주 사우스 로스앤젤레스
국적 미국
직업 음악가, 기타리스트
장르 델타 블루스, 컨트리 블루스
활동 시기 1980~ 현재
악기 기타, 보컬, 하모니카, 밴조, 만돌린, 베이스, 키보드
레이블 에픽

The Itch - Keb' Mo'

 Heavenly Father, up above, have mercy on me

After seven years of bad, bad luck I finally got free

I don't mean to seem ungrateful, you answered my prayer

And Father, if you're able, Don't let me do the same damn thing all over again


You get the fever, you get the itch, you forget about the mess you were in.

You forget about the money, the lawyers and the pain

and do the same damn thing all over again.


Almighty Father, great and good, you need to be in my shoes

You let me fall in love just like before, now I'm steppin' in a big pile of the blues

But now, the honeymoon is over, let's not pretend

I guess I never learned my lesson, I did the same damn thing all over again.


You get the fever, you get the itch, you forget about the mess you were in.

You forget about the money, the lawyers and the pain

and do the same damn thing all over again.


Mother Mary, Father Joe, I need to talk to your son.

He had troubles just like mine, and he's the chosen one

So if I ever, go to heaven, will that be the end?

Or will I fall for some sweet little anges

and do the same damn thing all over again?


You get the fever, you get the itch, you forget about the mess you were in.

You forget about the money, the lawyers and the pain

and do the same damn thing all over again.